Extraction Exhibit at North Bay Letterpress Arts

Come to our reception

“Extraction; Art On The Edge Of The Abyss”

Sunday, November 7th, 11 - 3 pm

North Bay Letterpress Arts

925 D Gravenstein Hwy So Sebastopol

*masks required, safe distancing encouraged


The shop will be open on Sundays during the duration of the exhibit at set times below:

Oct 24th 11 - 1, Oct 31st 2 - 5, Nov 7th 11 - 3, Nov 14th 11 - 3, Nov 21st 11 - 3, Nov 28th 1 - 5

This installation is part of a larger movement of artists, “Art On The Edge Of The Abyss” a multimedia, multi-venue, cross-border art intervention that will investigate extractive industry in all of its forms (from mining and drilling to the reckless exploitation of water, soil, trees, marine life, and other natural resources) instigated by Peter Koch (Codex) and Edwin Dobb. The project will expose and interrogate extraction’s negative social and environmental consequences, from the damage done to people, especially indigenous and disenfranchised communities, to ravaged landscapes and poisoned water to climate change and its many troubling implications.

Featured here will be the installation & performance*


by judi goldberg AND Brooke Holve

A collaboration and conversation

between two artists

with different approaches and aesthetic

working with what is.

* To be held on Sunday, November 7 at 1:30pm

Cuts Make You. Review: "Cuts Like A Knife" by Gabrielle Gopinath

Cuts Make You. at the Morris Graves Museum



An eventful reception last weekend at the Morris Graves Art Museum in Eureka.  Following are a few views from the evening.  The exhibit will be up through July 3, 2016.




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My statement read:

"Artist, Brooke Holve contemplates the poetics of seeing in Cuts Make You., an exhibition of mixed media constructions, installations and an artist book. Her work reflects an exploration of 'cutting' as process and form as she cuts to see and cuts to make. She is interested in how to apply process to a material and arrive to a form that refers back to its making.  The work is informed by the changing role of the book as the world moves to primarily digital delivery systems.  Discarded book remnants are the dominant material of this work."

Cuts Make You. at the Morris Graves Museum

I am honored to present a solo exhibition of my work,

Cuts Make You.

at the Morris Graves Museum in Eureka, California.

It will feature installations, constructions and artist books

 with a soundscape by musician, Paul Lamb.


Please join me at the opening reception on 

June 4,  6-9 pm

During First Saturday Night Arts Alive

in the Anderson Gallery


The exhibit runs from

May 28th through to July 3, 2016.


Morris Graves Museum of Art

636 F Street, Eureka, CA 95501

Gallery Hours: Wed - Sun, Noon - 5 pm

For more information: (707) 442-0278


cuts make you for blog

"A Bed of Verbs" debuts at Codex V

 'Bed' is a charged word; its root, bhedh, means to dig.

A Bed of Verbs, 2014.  A collaboration with artist, Elizabeth Sher. To be shown for its first time at Codex V at the Craneway Pavillion in Richmond, February 8th - 12th.



 A Bed of Verbs, 2014.  Artist Book with Clamshell: digital prints on Moab Entrada 190 and metal coated papers.  5.25 x 9.75 x 1 inches (closed clamshell box)

 I travelled to Iceland with artist, Elizabeth Sher for an artist residency during the summer of 2012. We were awed by what we saw; the geologic wonders and phantasmal forms gave us a glimpse of what the earth might have been like in its beginnings. Iceland was a "land of the verb" with underground rumblings randomly spewing out steam, lava and rocks through pockets in the earth.


A land of forces not seen with verbs to describe it: bhedh, burns, chills, churns, coils, cracks, crusts,  cuts, erupts, oozes, pads, posts, roots, scalds, scrape, spews, sprays, steams










PRESENCE at C-14 Contemporary Arts


 at the Barlow, a new gallery

C-14 Contemporary Arts

Promotional card 4-9_Page_2

I am pleased to be one of the nine featured artists. We are:

Teresa Camozzi, Martha Channer, DebraLea Comstock, Dave Gordon,

 Brooke Holve, Colin Lambert, Craig Mitchell, Fred Vedder,  and  Martha Wade


The exhibit, curated by Satri Pencak,  runs from May 1st through June 15th.

There will be an opening reception on Saturday, May 10th from 5 - 8pm.

I hope that you will be able to join us, meet the artists and hear about what we will be doing.


C14 At the Barlow | 6780 Depot Street, suite 100 | Sebastopol, CA 95472 | 707.827.3020

Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 11 - 6, Sunday, 11 - 5,  Closed Mondays