BOOK ICELAND _ JUNE 18 – 29,  2018
Application Deadline: February 1, 2018



& textures of BOOK

At Gullkistan Center for Creativity in Laugarvatn, iceland

Still 2 spaces available.  Apply Now for Feb 1st deadline:

Gullkistan Center for Creativity and I invite you to take part in this Book Arts seminar in Iceland during the summer of 2018. Participants will explore Iceland's varied landscape; look at how the natural processes have shaped the landscape and explore ways to express those energies through artistic experimentation.  Those experiments will be content for two book structures taught during the workshop - the drumleaf binding and coptic-bound cover book.

The workshop is for artists of all levels interested in exploring the book form and learning about Iceland, its book culture & history, weather, and diverse landscapes.

For specifics, check out:






Cuts Make You

I have returned yet my thoughts are still traveling as if I was there. They are blowing around in a way that Icelanders might refer to as blasdur. Blowing and windy.  Nothing like a deadline to determine a tack for a way through my mind.

RiskPress Gallery:

Cuttings  October 4th - 27th

 postcard final 1 copy

Winds are here! And more to come.

During the duration of the exhibit, we (I and those who come to view the exhibit) will make a book. I am currently working on its  design and matrix using letterpress at Iota and digital in my studio.  I enjoy this back and forth way of working which seem  to be feeding on each other.

Letterpress (at Iota Press):

letterpress draft

Digital (at Holve studio):

book making postcard copy

cuttings book 2 copy

"Weather Reports You"

Roni Horn's ongoing project: a collection of stories about the weather in Iceland from Icelandic people. I am interested in how other artists think about weather in their work.  Since my travels to New Zealand in '06 and '07, one of their coldest and windiest springs and summers in 60 years, I began to reflect on wind as a metaphor for conditions of change and also started to collect their weather maps.  Since then I have continued to collect maps  from places I visited (Iceland examples below).   And last  year I also  started a list of Icelandic words that qualify the differing conditions of wind.  This year I added a few to the list.

vindur- wind

stormur - heavy wind

rok - hard wind

moldrok - strong wind with earth

sandrok - strong wind with sand

fárviðri - crazy wind, tempest, typhoon

gola - breeze

gjóla - medium breeze

hvassviðri - strong breeze

logn - no wind

andvari - breath

kaldi - a cold chilly breeze

stinningskaldi - ice cold wind

fellibylur - hurricane

hnúkaÞeyr - warm mountain wind flowing from south to north

norðangarri - cold north to south wind

sunnanblær - southern breeze

gustur - gust of wind

austankaldir - east cold wind

hvasst - medium strong wind

strekkingur - medium wind

blástur - blast  "It is blowing/windy."

hvirfilvindur - tornado

sviptivindur - sudden strong winds, common around steep mountains

staðvindur - trade winds common to a region

skafrenningur - wind that blows loose snow; piles of snow result

snjostormur - wind storm with snow









The weather maps above recorded the changing weather conditions every three hours on July 27th,  the last day of our trip.  I love the simplicity of the design -- the way that the arrows describe the weather patterns and express the tensions of change.  Something to consider.  How might I use arrows to  express changing tensions of shaping, making, unmaking? I've been wanting to make a book on this topic - maybe one with only arrows?


A  Wind Report from Iceland: (From a  conversation taken from facebook  this morning, Aug 5)

22 miles per hour winds. The residency windows are rattling. It is also making a deep base sound on the northern side of the building.

Watch a horror movie.

Fall approaches.

Did you see the auroras?


No way.

I saw them around 2 and called the farm.  Of course they were up and out to look.

But I'm not at the farm anymore!

Can't be everywhere!




But I can watch weather reports from anywhere!




A Library or Museum of Water?

The image above is a detail of the floor from American artist, Roni Horn's Library of Water.  "Heidur" is an adjective that describes weather that is bright, clear and cloudless. As a noun it means "honor". a view of Library of Water

I returned to Roni Horn's Library of Water in the town of Stykkisholmer on the north coast of the Snaefellsness peninsula.  (Refer to my July 31, 2012 entry on first visit).  The former library contains  24 floor-to-ceiling clear glass columns of water collected as ice from some of the major"jokulls" of Iceland,  formed many millennia ago and now are rapidly receding.  I was told that one of the glaciers represented in the installation has melted. Rebecca Solnit in her most recent book, The Faraway Nearby, referred to the library as an homage to the primordial forces of the glaciers.  Is it too soon to rename the library to  "Museum of Water" as an homage to once was?

Nonetheless, it's a striking homage as the glass columns refract and reflect light onto a vulcanised rubber floor embedded with single words in Icelandic and English: ill, cruel, slaemt, bad, stillt, tranquil, svalur, cool, hressandi, bracing, lygnt, still, glettid, frisky, vitlaust, crazy, napur, piercing cold, blautt, wet, heidur, quiet. The isolated words are adjectives that describe weather.  Roni Horn wrote "Weather is a metaphor for the atmosphere of the  world, for the atmosphere of one's life; weather is a metaphor for the physical, metaphysical, political, social, and moral energy of a person and a place."

"Nistandi" - an adjective that describes weather as biting, bitter, piercing, penetrating, acute, sharp, astute, and grinding

One of the column by window from the Library of Water