Ready to leave, now that I know that my boxes of supplies have arrived safely.  I am returning to Iceland this week to teach the workshop, BOOK ICELAND at Gullkistan Center for Creativity in Laugarvatn.  This will be my fourth trip to Iceland and my third visit to Gullkistan. I am excited to put my ideas in this form for others.

BOOK ICELAND  workshop materials have arrived.

BOOK ICELAND  workshop materials have arrived.

More about BOOK ICELAND:

It's a rare visitor who is not touched by Iceland's natural energies and diverse landscape. A wild island of the north with massive glaciers exposed to wind and ocean currents, is located on two tectonic plates with a fault line running at an oblique angle from its north to southwest.  Energies of wind, fire and water below and above its surface shape the landscape, leaving unique textures and colors not seen elsewhere on this earth: glacier ice fields and lagoons, rumbling volcanoes, waterfalls, vast lava fields--moss covered and raw, contorted basalt walls, geysers, thermal pools, deep gorges and fjords.

This land of extremes has also shaped its people and language. Steeped in a history of isolation and hardship, the Vikings who first settled this island in the late ninth century, recounted their stories in folktales, poems, oral histories and song.  Two centuries later, those stories were captured in writing--leaving handwritten manuscripts that are treasured and valued today.

The Icelanders' love for both their land and the book has inspired this workshop. We'll explore Iceland's varied landscape; we will look at how the natural processes have shaped it and explore ways to express those energies through artistic experimentation.  We will develop content for two books (from our field studies) and learn two book structures (drum leaf & coptic binding) to contain it.

Source: https://brookeholve/blog/2018/6/3/book-ice...

Exploding the Book

I will be teaching this class in March at North Bay Letterpress Arts.  It is an abridged version of a three-day workshop that I will be teaching in Iceland this summer.  To register:  contact:

Saturday,  March 17,  10am - 4pm
North Bay Letterpress Arts   925 Gravenstein Hwy South  Sebastopol, CA 95472     

To Register:  contact

An exploratory class in which participants will excavate an exploded book*, looking for material, content and form.  With their finds and discoveries, participants will make a coptic-bound cover book.

*exploded book: a book taken apart with its parts categorized and on display

Participant Material list:
a worn cloth-covered book, willing to take apart and destroy
two irwin clamps
heavy duty thread
exacto knife
metal ruler
cutting board
bone folder
3 curved sewing needles
camera or iPhone
pens, pencil & eraser


"Explorations with Urauchi" at Pyramid Atlantic Art Center in Silver Spring, Maryland








I have been invited to teach a workshop at the Pyramid Atlantic Art Center outside of Washington DC this summer.  The description of the workshop is online under  "book arts" and you can enroll by visiting:

More about the class:

Explorations with Urauchi

a Japanese method of backing paper to cloth and/or paper

August 8 & 9,  10am-4pm

Urauchi is a procedure of pasting a paper backing onto cloth or paper using only natural fibers. Traditionally, this method was used to mount Asian scrolls and cover books.  Once backed, cloth and paper have more body and strength and are much easier to manipulate. The backing also provides a protective layer and prevents glue from staining the cloth when covering books.

In this workshop, participants will learn the simple procedure.  However, the focus of the workshop will be experimental and hands-on, exploring it as an art medium. On day one, a variety of materials will be sampled, treatments tried, and materials sandwiched between.  On day two, participants will make a sampler book with their experiments.