A catalog documenting an installation by artists, Brooke Holve
& judi goldberg at the printshop of North Bay Letterpress Arts in
Sebastopol. The installation was a collaboration & conversation
between these two artists with different approaches and aesthetic
working with what is.
meditation stool, 4 legged high stool, fuse panel boxes, tape,
blackboard, bards bag, time card holder, raven, film developing
hangar, window, walls, door, floor, mounting bars, sliops staff,
metal shelves, vintage oil can, electric wall socket, speaker wire,
pulleys, fire extinguisher
ink, spray paint, David Ireland catalogs (The Way Things Are), black
gesso, sand paper, paper, graphite, staples, glaze, stamp pad, chalk,
inkjet printer, photographs, magnets
ladder, electric drill, stapler, staple gun, scissors, photopolymer plate,
coil wire binder, metal die, eraser, rubber stamp, type, staple remover,
brushes, brayer, electric drill, presses