Catalog documenting installation by Brooke Holve & Catherine Richardson at the Seager Gray Gallery in Mill Valley in 2021. The exhibit grapples with the overwhelming issue of the impact of the extraction industry in a site-specific installation reflecting an intimate investigation of the cell phone. This is part of a larger project with exhibitions around the globe, Extraction: Art On The Edge Of The Abyss that “seeks to expose and interrogate the environmental consequences of industrialized natural resources extraction.”
“Artists Brooke Holve & Catherine Richardson have created a rich multimedia investigation of the many extracted materials that are required for the production of cell phones, and have even managed to communicate something quite profound about the culture of cell phone usage in contemporary society. There are so many fascinating lines of inquiry that operate throughout this exhibition.” Sam Pelts (Special Projects Director of Extraction: Art On The Edge Of The Abyss).
The Cost of Constant Connection: What’s in Your Cell Phone? written by Donna Seager about the exhibition, MATERIALITY RE_MINED; Deep Within The Screen Of A Cell Phone published on July 25, 2021 in Linked in.